July 21, 2009

No candy in your till, No cutie left to thrill, You're alone on a Tuesday

So... we begin again with part deux of Kat's (Impromptu) Rules of Fashion. I can't promise how far I'll get today, because I'm very tired at the moment and feeling wholly uninspired (as evidenced by my wardrobe - black rose tee, dress jeans, navy cardigan. Working in an office is stifling my creative self)

So, rule #4 - Don't buy cheap. Now I'm not a person with a whole lot of spare cash rolling around, so when I say, don't buy cheap, I don't mean go out and plop down a few grand on a LV bag when all you need is a backpack. Instead, I think one should consider ones purchases and make sure they are going to last for a fair while. This is one of my cardinal crimes of fashion and one that I am trying to break my habit of - instead of spending say twenty dollars on one nice shirt, I'll use the same twenty to buy two shirts of lesser quality, which will inevitably be faded/falling apart within six months time. Bad choice and the reason why I have a full drawer of t-shirts at home that I barely ever wear. Even if its not that expensive, paying a little more for something usually guarantees better quality (unless we're talking about H&M... my issues with them to be disclosed later). I have two pairs of skinny jeans that I bought for sixty dollars each and despite almost daily wear, two years later they still look good. So listen to darling Kat when she says: Pay that little extra more and you'll almost always be guaranteed better quality.

Rule #5: Don't be afraid to accessorize - This is one of the other things that I used to do that I've been missing lately. When I was younger (okay, up until about a year and a half ago) I used to wear stacks of rubber-band bracelets (some of you might remember them as 'sex' bracelets) almost up to my right elbow in the brightest neon shades and often paired them with my thin silver bangles from Paris. I usually accompanied these with several big rings, including my Celtic ring from a charity bazaar on my right index finger, pentagram ring on my thumb and massive claw ring (handmade and from Paris) on the opposite hand. Even if I was just wearing jeans and a sweater, I always felt that my crazy jewelry dressed it up a little. Unfortunately since then the jewelry has dwindled down to eight rubber-band bracelets (I've been wearing them since grade seven, so they're virtually impossible to get off) and then two bracelets from my residence (one handmade, in the res' colors (red, yellow and green) and one rubber bracelet (like the Livestrong bracelets) with the res logo and name). I never wear earrings except for the hoops in my industrial piercing and although I have several gorgeous necklaces, they only get pulled out for special occasions. So, rule #5 is a modification of Coco Chanel's classic fashion order 'Before you leave, look in the mirror and remove one item' but instead mine is to look in the mirror and add one item, be it a necklace, a bracelet or another accessory.

That's all for today, folks as my brain is throwing out error messages when I attempt to process anymore thoughts. But I'm open to suggestions as to what you dear imaginary readers think should be included in my impromptu fashion rules (which would effectively ruin the impromptu nature of these posts, but who really cares?)

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