August 14, 2009

Oh, boo-hoo. Now I feel really bad. Bad llama.

So, it's been almost a month since I posted last... this is kind of typical behavior of me. I start something and then leave it after a few weeks, because I get bored or run out of inspiration, etc etc
I've been adding to my wardrobe - just bought two new tees, one v-neck which I am kinda impressed with myself because I normally never wear v-necks and a brand-new cardigan, but otherwise my outfits have been rather blah; which I'm gonna blame on the heat and my inability to dress myself when the temperature rises above 25, especially when I'm working in an office with no air-conditioning (terrible excuse but yeah, I've got no other one)
So I'm putting things on hold (apologies to my imaginary readers), until I'm back at school because the temperatures are supposed to stay this high for the next few weeks, which means I probably won't be dressing any better anytime soon.
I will be purging my closet tomorrow though, so let's see if I can draw some inspiration from that...


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